Living in Hungary

Families in Hungary

There are no more families in Hungary with the name nemescsói Török. The Török name however is common in Hungary but not connected to ours. Our grandfather, also Béla Antal born in Szeged in 1881 and died in 1969, was married to Katalin Maria Kiss / Hensch. Our father’s sister was Katalin Klementina who married a Dr. Csabai Béla and they had 3 children Katalin (Kata) Fabián, Ildikó (Ildi) Égi, and Béla (Béci) Csabai. Béci had three boys Attilla, Péter and Gábor. Kata had three children Zsuzsanna, Ági and Nóri. Ildi had a son Tamás who passed away in 2019. Our mother Ilona Irén Láng had one sister Ibolya (Duci) Somogyvári who had no children.

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